Consulting Services

Our focus is providing you with answers and solutions that best meet YOUR needs. We listen to your challenges and frustrations and assist you in a better understanding of the root-cause of the issues and develop a customized plan to address your challenges. There is no such thing as a “one size fits all” approach at ONE8ty.

We offer a full suite of services and solutions to help small to mid-size companies optimize operations, improve efficiencies and technology utilization, while mitigating risks. We give you the bandwidth and expertise you need to make your vision a reality.

When you partner with ONE8ty, we will take a deep-dive into your organization to get a complete picture of where you are at today and how we can help you move your company forward to meet your goals and expectations.

Where will your “plane” land?

Owner’s Check-up

As the leader of your team, it is imperative that you be at the top of your game and we understand the stress and challenges that go along with business ownership.

We ask questions to determine your emotional well-being and current state of mind.

We make recommendations to ensure you are getting the support you need to be your best every day.

Financial Management

We provide an in-depth financial review of your business that focuses on the following three areas: efficient financial operations, effective decision support and finance strategy.

We will make recommendations allowing you to maximize net revenue while minimizing losses and improving efficiencies.

Employee Relations

An organization is only as good as its’ people. We want to ensure you have the right team members in the right positions from top to bottom.

We can assist you in providing training and coaching for your managers and executives on how to effectively establish and nurture employee relationships to ensure objectives are being met on an individual and organizational level.

We will evaluate your existing bench strength and assist with developing a succession plan to ensure your organization’s leadership team can take you to the next level.

Sales Development and Marketing Diversity

Through a combination of our best research and boldest thinking, we work with your Sales and Marketing Team to reach more prospects, build a bigger pipeline and close more deals.

We will identify your “niche” and hone in your marketing and sales objectives to maximize your resources while targeting the customers who have the most impact on your business.

Customer Retention

Firmly committed to providing an outstanding “Customer Experience,” we focus on ways to ensure you are exceeding your customers’ expectations from the very first impression to the final transaction and everything in between.

As experts in Customer/Client Relationship Management, we will evaluate and make recommendations on the most innovative tools and technology available to best meet your organizational needs.

Interim Management

If we determine there is a need for an immediate personnel change within your organization, we will assist in providing Interim Management Support until a permanent replacement is hired.

Divestitures, Mergers and Acquisitions

If you are in a position to sell all or a portion of your company, we will assist you in realizing the highest possible value based on the current market and navigating through the selling process.

You might think of Mergers and Acquisitions (M&A) as “big company” business but tremendous opportunities exist for small businesses to grow through M&A.

The ONE8ty Team has decades of experience in divestitures, mergers and acquisitions and we will successfully guide you through every step of the very complex process involved in these types of transactions.

Is your business ready for that 180 degree turn?